Part 5: "We Are Sparta!" (2 Goals to complete) 

Now that you have 300 referrals, stop renting and save up $70 so that you can upgrade to Gol den. Once you go Gold, you will double up your income nearly instantly since the payouts are 2x - 10x for your clicks and referral clicks!
Goal #6 - Upgrade your account to Gold

Here is your income before Golden:
300 RRs * 4 RR-clicks at $0.005 per click = $6.00 per day (plus DR-clicks and your personal clicks)

Here is your income after you go Golden:
 300 RRs * 4 RR-clicks at $0.01 per click = $12.00 per day (plus DR-clicks and your personal clicks)


Once you've gone golden, begin renting referrals again. It's tempting to cash out, but you really want to get to the maximum number of RRs and DRs so that you earn as much as possible.

Goal #7 - Build your RRs to 2000.
Resume your rental process and acquire 2,000 RRs. This will not take too terribly long since by now you should be earning over $300 per month.
2000 RRs * 4 RR-clicks at $0.01 per RR-click = $80/DAY (plus your DR-clicks and your personal clicks!).

TIP: When you go Golden, you will have to view 9 ads per day instead of 4!
TIP: Check out some of the "Golden Packs" to gain more benefits from being Golden.

At this point you are a true Spartan of ProBux! Once you have saved enough to buy golden packs, do it so you can rent more RRs and gain more benefits. By now, you will already be laughing all the way to the bank so enjoy your new side job!


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